
This is my youngest and myself

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Ok so I have been a mom for over 5years now and I just realized how many things I could make that would make my life more organized not to mention a way to recycle. I have missed out on so many different projects. So from this day forward I am going to start recycling and thinking twice before throwing something away. Cereal boxes for example..make them into a way to file papers. I can't even count how many cereal boxes I have thrown away: this week. How about shoe boxes...How many shoes has my family of five bought, this year...put scrapbook paper on them and bam yet another organizational tool. I have to admit all of this came on because of Pintrest. I will post some of my projects when finished with them. At the moment I am painting jars. I have taken old jelly jars 2different sizes and 1 pickle jar yet another shape and size and pouring paint in them and going to put flowers in them as a centerpiece for my island. It is really my first DIY project. Can't wait until its done and I can post pictures. So I guess what I am saying is think twice before throwing something away and jump on pintrest to see if there is any cool DIY projects you can do with it. Have fun and don't be afraid to think out side of the box.

Friday, April 20, 2012

First Day

Hello out there. I am a stay at home wife and mom. I have three girls 5, 3 and 7months. I love my girls but wanted to start something for myself so here it is a blog. I am a christian and so my views and topics will revolve around my christian views. I do not want to offend anyone and I will try not to. I am a very open person and I want my blog to be where anyone of any religion or non religion can come and read. I will talk about a variety of things: crafts, books, movies, recipes, news and so on. I hope you enjoy!